My friend Claire Smith is one of the good people. We met in 2007, both working for the same insane Edinburgh fringe venue production company. We ended up spending a week plaster-boarding the walls of a burnt-out building (it was a fairly big room, it was just the two of us most of the time, and our levels of plaster-boarding experience prior to that week can safely be described as poor-very poor). We pushed each other around on scaffolding towers , listened to a little radio and we shared the common ground of thinking most other people were daft or deranged most of the time. Claire was pretty shy when she wasn't ragging on other people in the safety of our sequestered work area, so I was surprised to find out that she was the front-woman and melodica player in a band. Ever suspicious and hyper-critical, I was even more surprised when I got around to hearing them and found out that they were great, she was great, everything about them is totally great. I've been to a couple of their shows over the last two years - the band manage to always sound slick and bouncy, and Claire sings like an angel and dresses like a black magic woman who has twirled through the worlds most incredible clothes shop and emerged with whispers of splendour vaguely attached to her.
They are fun, creative, enchanting, and I cant think of anyone to compare them to, but you can listen on their super-minimal myspace here.
Anyway, the good thing that has happened to them is this review from the NME. It's there, right in the middle. The review above the is The Lemonheads. Thats some hallowed space they are occupying, in my book anyway. Click on it to make it big.

Chapter 24 are playing next Thursday at the Hoxton Bar and Grill, at 8.15, for twenty minutes to the Moshi Moshi A&R peeps. Come and swoon down the front with me.
See, good things can happen to the good peoples.
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